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The Key to Conducting a Result Driven Interview

Precision Staffing Section - Professional in Suit

The process of filling a role within your company can be challenging…

After examining multiple resumes, you contact those you have interest in for an interview. This step is very important throughout the hiring process and your first real impression of a potential new hire.

When interviewing, there are key questions to ask and topics to stay away from. For instance, you do want to ask about a potential employee’s availability and reliability but you can not ask if they have children.

You do not want to ask questions that are too personal, however, you do want to see who they are, how they would interact with your team and what their personal traits are.

Ask open ended questions that require rapid thought and honesty, such as “Tell me about a time you exceeded a client’s expectations”.
Be open minded and believe the interview will be a success before starting it.

The best way to find a successful new hire that will not only fit your standards but work well within your team is to “peel back the onion”, meaning read between the lines of what your applicant is saying. Ask questions that allow you to see past the cliche, textbook answers, and see who this person really is and whether or not they are the one you want to join your team.

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