Regardless of the type of work you do, one vital key not only personal growth but growth in your career or business, is networking.
As technology evolves this becomes more and more crucial, where it used to be word of mouth and referrals, now business has a large reliance on social media and publicity. The positive side of this pressure to grow is that with technology growing, there are increasingly creative ways to network and get your name out there.
The main way to do this, aside from conferences and network events, would be LinkedIn. LinkedIn was started in 2003 and in the first year of business grew to 100,000 members. However, new alternatives are coming available. A new application that is trending is called Shapr.
This application is marketed as a mix of Tinder and LinkedIn. When getting into the application you create a profile with a small blip about yourself and a photo, as well as choosing some hashtags that relate to your personality and goals. You have the option to load your employment and education history as well as links to your social media pages.
The app links you to other business contacts in the area and (as with Tinder) you swipe right or left when reading others goals, hashtag choices, and blip. If you swipe right you are interested in chatting or meeting up. You also can receive messages from those interested in networking with you.
This application was very easy to follow and very engaging in my opinion.
What are your thoughts?
If you are looking to build your resume and meet new people in well known companies contact us today!