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6 More Weeks of Winter!

Happy Groundhog Day!

Just this morning Punxsutawney Phil, the famous weather predicting groundhog, saw his shadow when emerging from his burrow. So we all know what this means, 6 more weeks of the winter season.


With the upcoming continued predicted winter season make sure you prepare yourself with some simple steps to allow yourself to get to work on time as well as other destinations.

  1.  Check the weather the night before.
  2.  When you wake up check for any stopped traffic or accidents online, local news or on your phone to give yourself plenty of time.
  3.  Take the extra 10 minutes to warm up your car and scrape off snow, etc.
  4.  Prepare what you are going to wear the night before. That is including any scarves, mittens or hats.
  5. Pack something to eat for lunch the night before.
  6. Give yourself plenty of sleep to feel rested.
  7. Leave 10 minutes early. It is never a bad thing to be early.

Use these simple steps to set yourself up for success and to allow you a stress free morning.



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